

American Land

Developing Land and Growing Legacies

February 02, 20244 min read

"Our connections with landowners are not merely transactional; they are transformative, aiming to preserve and enhance their legacies and financial futures." ~ Cody Bjugan


The U.S. housing shortage is undeniable. Depending on the source, the country is short between 2.3 million and 6.5 million housing units. The lack of shovel-ready land needed to build more houses is a major contributing factor to our country’s housing shortage. The question is: how do we close the gap? The answer: Change our approach to land development by prioritizing win-win outcomes for all stakeholders - landowners, communities, and home builders. And this is exactly how Allied Development is leading the way in addressing America’s housing shortage.  

A Business Model Rooted in Purpose, Impact, and, Ultimately, Fulfillment

At Allied Development, our mission is clear: to grow the legacy of landowners, communities, and builders by developing land that allows families to flourish and brings unparalleled benefits to every stakeholder. The core principle guiding every land development project we undertake is symbolized by the acronym PIF – Purpose, Impact, Fulfillment. It reflects our dedication to being part of the housing shortage solution, positively impacting our country, and achieving fulfillment through serving others. Our approach is rooted in the belief that true success comes from creating impactful outcomes for all stakeholders. Some real estate models, like wholesaling, focus purely on arbitraging the purchase price which leaves the landowner at a loss. At Allied, we add value to the asset, multiplying its value many times over resulting in a win for all parties.

We start by determining the development potential value of the land and how we can help grow the landowner’s legacy. We invest time in getting to know the landowner and understanding what matters most to them. For many, the land has been passed down through generations, representing a source of financial security and a family legacy.  

Making an Impact with Win-Win Outcomes Creating win-win outcomes starts with establishing a relationship with the landowner. Once we know what is important to the landowner, we can structure a customized deal for them that considers improving their financial future and growing their family legacy. Our connections with landowners are not merely transactional; they are transformative, aiming to preserve and enhance their legacies and financial futures. 

Structuring a deal with the landowner is just the first step in creating mutually beneficial deals in land development. One of Allied Development's standout strengths is navigating the entitlement process, bringing considerable benefits to the communities and home builders we collaborate with. 

The entitlement process is a crucial step in the land development process to transform raw land into residential communities. Given the complexity and duration of the entitlement process, Allied’s detailed understanding of what is required, allows us to actively engage with local jurisdictions to ensure that the development project aligns with their expectations.

Our proven track record in entitlement work also brings tremendous benefits to the home builders of America. Zoning laws, environmental regulations, and community standards can be incredibly complex and varied. Creative answers are often needed to meet these requirements in a way that still allows the project to move forward efficiently and effectively. The home building industry’s primary focus is on vertical construction, not coming up with out-of-the-box strategies to get the land ready for construction, which is where Allied excels. 

Working with Allied allows our buyers to purchase land that has already gone through entitlement and is shovel-ready. This means the time between their investment and when they can start building homes is much shorter than in a land development deal where they purchased the unapproved raw land and were responsible for the entitlement work.

By prioritizing favorable outcomes for all parties, we successfully convert raw, off-market land into shovel-ready land ready to be developed into neighborhoods where families can thrive and put down roots. Allied’s approach to land development exemplifies how developing land can be part of the solution to our country’s housing crisis.

Our foundational belief, “Developing Land, Growing Legacies,” reminds us of the impact we can have in addressing the housing crisis when we choose to focus on bringing value to all parties. Prioritizing and engaging with our partners to ensure their needs and expectations are met or exceeded is a sustainable path forward to address the housing shortage, build lasting legacies, and create housing communities where families can thrive for generations to come.

land developmentlandamerican landamerican land developmenthousing crisishousing shortageallied developmentwin-win outcomeslandownersland developers
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Cody Bjugan

Cody Bjugan is a 20 year veteran land developer on projects across the United States. These projects are a result of Cody’s specialized experience in acquisitions and entitlements of OFF-MARKET raw land that has development potential. He excels in negotiation and out-of-the-box problem solving to create win-win real estate transactions. As part of Cody’s legacy, he created VestRight to share his knowledge and make a difference in people’s lives. VestRight is an educational and coaching company dedicated to transforming lives by teaching real estate investors, real estate agents, and other entrepreneurs how to generate truly life-changing wealth through land acquisition deals. Beyond his all-important task of being a husband and father of 3, his mission is to share so that we together can create fulfilling legacies through our purpose and impact.

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